Ansible Collections: init

sshnaidm gave me an opportunity to play with Ansible Collections today.

Since I was at AnsibleFest 2019 in Atlanta, I heard so much about the collections but never actually used them.

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Ansible-bender reaches 0.5.0

Exciting times! I just released ansible-bender-0.5.0.

This update contains a ton of new stuff. There is the one feature I am very proud of — configuring the build process by using Ansible variables. Apart from that, I did a lot of bug fixes and usability improvements.

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Ansible Bender in OKD #2


PoC Definition: Can ansible-bender run inside an OpenShift origin pod?
Answer: Yes!

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Ansible-bender in OKD


For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a project we call “Ansible OCI image builder”. I named the tool itself ansible-bender (and yes, it’s shiny).

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Road to ansible-bender 0.2.0

I’m pleased to announce that ansible-bender is now available in version 0.2.0.

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Ansible and Podman Can Play Together Now

Sam Doran just merged my pull request which introduces a new connection plugin for podman. If you are not sure what an Ansible connection plugin is, hold tight and I’ll show you.

The connection plugin is the component which enables Ansible to execute commands in a target environment: you are probably mostly familiar with these two:

  • ssh — managing remote machines
  • local — executing a playbook in the current environment

Since Ansible abstracts this mechanic very well, you can easily write connection plugins for such a thing as container managers. Ansible has one for docker and some time ago I wrote one for buildah. I concluded it’s time to write it for podman as well, finally (so I can utilize it in ansible-bender).

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Caching mechanism in ansible-bender

A few weeks ago I announced a new project — ansible-bender (ab). It’s a simple tool to create container images using Ansible playbooks. The same concept as ansible-container, but ab is only about builds.

Ansible-bender utilizes an ansible connection plugin to invoke a playbook in a container and buildah as the container technology.

Recently I was able to land a caching mechanism - every task result is being cached. Since ansible doesn’t allow doing such thing easily, it was quite a feat.

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