Running logdetective on Red Hat OpenShift AI with CUDA

Let’s run Logdetective in Red Hat OpenShift AI using a Jupyter notebook with llama-cpp-python and CUDA.

Microsoft Designer: Futuristic detective who inspects shiny crystals, comics style.

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Love and Hate

I made a significant discovery recently about my life.

I can love and hate something. At the same time. There are many of such things. This dynamic is affecting my whole life significantly. I actually mean those “love” and “hate” words. I love talking to people. But I can also hate it immensely as well. The imbalance can drive me crazy and I’m so glad I could finally put a name on this situation. I love you, and hate you, at the same time. The balance between the two changes every day. Like a sunset or a sunrise. Light and darkness live inside me.

Lightning Sunset

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Building and serving local python wheels

We need to rebuild a dependency tree of python wheels from scratch. Bootstrap, in other words. Let’s go!

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Announcing Log Detective

I’m excited to share that we’ve reached the first milestone of our new project, Log Detective.

midjourney: a detective inspecting a burning log in a shady neighbourhood at night

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How I became obsolete

It’s Saturday morning, 6:00 and I can’t sleep. My mind has decided to start functioning. I am tuning in some old Bonobo albums. This is a good time to write about how I got to the point that Packit team no longer needed me.

midjourney: a chilly Autumn morning in the central europe countryside with aview ofsunrise

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Flock 2023 trip report

My first conference outside of Brno after the pandemic. I forgot how stressed I am from the travelling. Didn’t have to wait long to realize why:

  • traffic jam in Brno
  • 90 minutes flight delay
  • downpour of people on the airport
  • border control scanners not made for my height
  • missing connections because of delays
  • never-ending transfers

All of this was worth the frustration to absorb Flock energy and magic.

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Running Pulp operator in a local OpenShift cluster

Today I am running Pulp in Openshift local using the pulp-operator.

These are the commands & notes so I can reproduce this in the future.

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