RHEL 9 and PyPI RPMs

My colleague, @FrostyX, recently shared a Red Hat Developer article, Thousands of PyPI and RubyGems RPMs now available for RHEL 9, with us.

TL;DR access thousands of RPMs automatically generated from PyPI and RubyGems on RHEL 9.

Sounds intriguing, I wanted to give it a shot.

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Debugging container networking: first steps

I blogged recently which means I need to do it again before another year of silence 😁

So… containers, we know them for years now but they still tend to cause us problems thanks to the extra layers of abstraction, storage and… Networking.

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Ansible Collections: init

sshnaidm gave me an opportunity to play with Ansible Collections today.

Since I was at AnsibleFest 2019 in Atlanta, I heard so much about the collections but never actually used them.

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Ansible-bender reaches 0.5.0

Exciting times! I just released ansible-bender-0.5.0.

This update contains a ton of new stuff. There is the one feature I am very proud of — configuring the build process by using Ansible variables. Apart from that, I did a lot of bug fixes and usability improvements.

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Ansible Bender in OKD #2


PoC Definition: Can ansible-bender run inside an OpenShift origin pod?
Answer: Yes!

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Ansible-bender in OKD


For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on a project we call “Ansible OCI image builder”. I named the tool itself ansible-bender (and yes, it’s shiny).

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Road to ansible-bender 0.2.0

I’m pleased to announce that ansible-bender is now available in version 0.2.0.

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